Hearing Health Blog

Vacationing With Hearing Loss: Your Guide to a Safe, Fun Trip!

There are a couple of kinds of vacations, right? There’s the type where you cram every single recreation you can into every single second. These are the trips that are recalled for years later and are full of adventure, and you head back to work more worn out than you left. The other kind is […]

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When You’re Hospitalized, Hearing Loss Can Cause Complications

Tom is excited, he’s getting a brand new knee! Look, as you grow older, the kinds of things you look forward to change. His knee replacement means he will experience less pain and be able to get around a lot better. So the operation is successful and Tom goes home. That’s when things take a […]

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Can I Wear my Glasses And Hearing Aids Together?

Movies and TV shows tend to use close-ups (sometimes extreme close-ups) when the action begins getting really intense. That’s because the human face communicates lots of information (more information than you’re probably consciously aware of). To say that humans are really facially focused is, well, not a stretch. So it’s no surprise that the face […]

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Your Hearing is Faltering if You Observe Any of These 8 Subtle Indicators

Your hearing won’t be simply gone one day when you wake up. For most individuals, hearing loss happens in degrees, particularly when it is related to the aging process. Some indicators show up earlier, though, and you don’t realize there is a problem right away. The early symptoms of progressive hearing loss are subtle. Slowing […]

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Concussions & Tinnitus: What’s the Link?

Concussions & Tinnitus: What’s the Link?

You Know when you’re watching an action movie and the hero has a loud explosion close by and their ears begin to ring? Well, guess what: that likely means our hero sustained at least a mild traumatic brain injury! To be sure, brain injuries aren’t the part that most action movies linger on. But that […]

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Keep Your Hearing Sharp With These Three Easy Tips

Isn’t pizza cool? You can change the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses concerned, but as long as it meets a few basic criteria, it’s still a pizza. That’s similar to hearing loss. Symptoms and presentations are a consequence of many different issues – loud noises, genetic factors, age, ear blockages – but as long as […]

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Summertime is A Great Time to Consider Hearing Aids!

Have you ever awoke after a night’s sleep and heard birds singing a pleasant song through your open window? So happens, there’s a name for all those birdsongs: the dawn chorus. For whatever reason, birds see the sun coming up and choose to start singing their favorite songs. The songs of these birds, when they’re […]

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Getting The Most Out of Your Hearing Aids

Getting The Most Out of Your Hearing Aids

If you aren’t really rich, a car isn’t really an impulse buy. Which means you will probably do a ton of research first. You have a good look at things such as gas mileage, overall price, and customer reviews. (You’re on Google a lot.) It is sensible to do this level of research. You’re about […]

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    Yucha Hearing Aids

    Pottstown, PA

    435 W Cedarville Rd.Pottstown, PA 19465

    Call or Text: 610-850-9380

    Monday, 9am – 4pm
    Tuesday, 10am – 6pm
    Wednesday, 9am – 4pm
    Thursday, 10am – 6pm
    Friday, 9am – 4pm

    Pottstown, PA Google Business Profile

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